Who is Your GOAT?

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” The words of the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 11:1
In his first letter to the assembly of Christ followers in the city of Corinth, the Apostle Paul challenged his audience to imitate him as he imitated Christ Jesus. His challenge is bold. By his statement, Paul asserts that he is living, breathing, walking, and reflecting the very essence of Christ.
As a Christ follower and societal leader, the Apostle Paul challenged his audience to imitate him.
Beyond his engagement to a missional purpose, the Apostle Paul’s commitment was to the person of Christ Jesus. With reckless abandon the Apostle Paul followed, and he challenged his audience to imitate his living example.
Society yearns for those who will lead with selflessness considering others above self. Your family and your community look for the one they can imitate. They look for the Greatest of All Time, their “G.O.A.T.”
Who is your Greatest of All Time? Whose essence do you follow? Who can you challenge to imitate you? What character qualities or personal attributes would you pass down to others?
Like the Apostle Paul, all Leaders must address the question of our followership. Who are we imitating? Is the one we follow worthy of imitation?
Who is Your Goat?